The Cone of Shame

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Jun 082016

Or “You’re going to cut WHAT off?!”

Happy and Wasted

Happy but Wasted

Just lately I have had lots and lots of trips to The Vet. Which is basically A-MAZ-ING!

In fact, They were beginning to suspect me of fabricating issues just to get to go more often. Gross, offensive and false accusations, obviously, but I can see where They were coming from.

However, it does have to be said that although my enthusiasm for all things The Vet is utterly undiminished, I have had some rather delicate indignities visited upon my person in the last few weeks.

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Here we are now, entertain us

 Life  Comments Off on Here we are now, entertain us
Jun 092013
Gibson at 1 week

Escape bid interrupted by emergency snooze

Bam! Here I am! All a bit traumatic, but today I have mostly been being born. Awesome.

Well, OK, slight bit of dramatic licence; obviously I wasn’t blogging this the moment I popped out, there’s a little bit of sleight of hand, but hey, these things need marking somehow. Continue reading »