
 Life  Comments Off on Abandoned!
Jul 132015

I thought I had life sussed out, and got Them more or less where I wanted Them, but it appears there is more work to be done.

Friday started well, albeit a touch delayed compared to normal. Despite that, I got my pre-breakfast walk, breakfast, fuss, and the bonus of Him apparently staying home for the day. Things really looked up when I got a Proper Long Walk mid-morning, even if it was so hot I had to be taken through the river twice and be given a drink break part-way round.

Then it all went downhill …

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What I did do on my holidays

 Life  Comments Off on What I did do on my holidays
Aug 312014
Mundesley cliff-top; early morning walk

Mundesley cliff-top; early morning walk

I had my first actual, proper, real Holiday a few weeks ago. Apparently it was All My Fault that I didn’t get one earlier in the year because I got ill, and They kept making cutting remarks about “Let’s hope we get to stay for more than 48 hours” and “At last, a holiday … dog permitting” and “With a bit of luck he’ll actually let us get some rest”. Bloomin’ cheek.

Anyway, we went back to Norfolk to the same place They tried to go to last time. Don’t know why, but it smells quite strongly of His dam. And it did not smell AT ALL of my poo, despite what they were muttering about all the way down in the car. So there. Rat bags.

This is only a snapshot of Holiday life, but I thought I should share some of the highlights …

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