On Pubs

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Jul 102014
More beer please!

More beer please!

This week I have been introduced to The Pub. They’ve been talking about it for a while, and finally it has happened.

It seems that The Pub is somewhat like The Vet. Although one goes to The Vet, The Vet often smells, looks and sounds very different to the previous time. The Pub is much the same.

I have been to The Pub twice this week. The first time involved a car journey, countryside, and four friends. The second was a walk, town centre and two friends. But it was still The Pub. I remain confused.

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Guest Blog: The Feline Perspective

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Aug 152013


I’ve been approached for my perspective on the whole Dog Situation or, as I refer to it, The Current Unpleasantness.

This distinguishes it from The Previous Unpleasantness when, innocent and beautiful, I came home to findĀ another cat inĀ my house. A situation which The Fat One and She Who Vacuums have only recently rectified, some 13 years later. Not good enough. Not remotely good enough.

It would seem the best way to convey my feelings on The Current Unpleasantness is to allow a rare glimpse into extracts from my personal journal. These are, you understand, intensely private; as a result some elements have been redacted, although the meaning remains intact.

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Slugs, snails, puppy dog tails

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Aug 112013

Well, this place certainly seems to be a hot bed of social intercourse. I’m really not sure I can stand the pace. I feel like I’m stuck in some kind of low-rent Oscar Wilde play; it’s one engagement after another, in a whirl of coming and going, with much said to little purpose!

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