Too much of a good thing

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Oct 062014

Just a quick update to say what an absolutely fantastic weekend I’ve had!

Excellent fun and games with Julie on Saturday. They kept saying that it was training, but all I know is I had a marvelous time and got a right belly full of treats.

Followed it up with an outrageously exciting afternoon on Sunday with Del, when we went to some of my favourite places and larked about for a couple of hours. Didn’t much rate the headroom in his car, but humongous fun running about in fields, trees and undergrowth. Del spent a lot of time being quite boring, if I’m honest; he seemed more interested in faffing with his camera equipment. But it didn’t really matter, as I got to tear the place up and another belly full of treats!

I remain firmly convinced that there is no connection whatsoever with all of this excitement and treats, and me having the epic squits last night. None at all. I don’t care what They say, They’re wrong.

 Posted by at 11:45 am


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Oct 032014

Oooh. Oooh. Oooooooooooh,

Life has been OK recently. They’ve stopped shoving stinky pills down my throat all the time, which is nice. My nose is all snuffly again, which isn’t as good. I’m sure the two aren’t related. The other day I finally succeeded in stealing Her knitting, which was most entertaining. And I keep hearing mention that I am, and I quote, “slowly becoming more civilised”. Flippin’ cheek. I am the epitome of civilisation.

This weekend, however, is set to be epic. Or as that fake grumpy one on Strictly[1] would say EH. PICK (dahling).

On Saturday I get to see my friend Julie from Thinking Paws. She is going to make me perfect, I’m told. And then on Sunday I get to do my very own shoot with The Dog Photographer (or Del, as I prefer to call him, preparatory to a good lick and bark). He’s been in a magazine and everything, so he must be good.

So go me! A weekend that really is all about me. Me! Me me me me me me me me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Not sure how this differs from any other weekend, Ed.)


[1]Did I not mention that I watch Strictly? Well I do. So there. Although last week it was a bit scary and I had to hide behind the curtains.

What I did do on my holidays

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Aug 312014
Mundesley cliff-top; early morning walk

Mundesley cliff-top; early morning walk

I had my first actual, proper, real Holiday a few weeks ago. Apparently it was All My Fault that I didn’t get one earlier in the year because I got ill, and They kept making cutting remarks about “Let’s hope we get to stay for more than 48 hours” and “At last, a holiday … dog permitting” and “With a bit of luck he’ll actually let us get some rest”. Bloomin’ cheek.

Anyway, we went back to Norfolk to the same place They tried to go to last time. Don’t know why, but it smells quite strongly of His dam. And it did not smell AT ALL of my poo, despite what they were muttering about all the way down in the car. So there. Rat bags.

This is only a snapshot of Holiday life, but I thought I should share some of the highlights …

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On Pubs

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Jul 102014
More beer please!

More beer please!

This week I have been introduced to The Pub. They’ve been talking about it for a while, and finally it has happened.

It seems that The Pub is somewhat like The Vet. Although one goes to The Vet, The Vet often smells, looks and sounds very different to the previous time. The Pub is much the same.

I have been to The Pub twice this week. The first time involved a car journey, countryside, and four friends. The second was a walk, town centre and two friends. But it was still The Pub. I remain confused.

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